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Q: What process makes nitrogen usable by plants and animals and what are two ways this process takes place?
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How does atmospheric nitrogen become usable for plants and animals?

nitrogen fixing bacteria

What is the term for the biological process whereby atmospheric nitrogen is changed into a form usable by plants?

Nitrogen fixation.

What is the term for the biological process whereby atmospheric nitrogen is changed into a form of usable by plants?

Nitrogen is absorbed in plants with the help of specific bacteria.

Why do animals not obtain nitrogen from the air?

Nitrogen gas is fairly inert and so is difficult for organisms to process. Instead, animals must get usable nitrogen compounds from their food.

Can humans get the nitrogen they need to exist in the air?

Plants and animals die and decomposers break down their nitrogen containing molecules to ammonia. All animals get the nitrogen they need by eating plants, by eating other animals that ate plants, or by eating animals that ate animals that ate plants.

What type of organism is able to covert free nitrogen from the atmosphere to form that is usable for animals?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria will enable some plants to convert atmospheric oxygen to a form that can be used by plants. The plants are then eaten by animals.

What are two ways nitrogen becomes usable two plants humans and animals?

Amino acids, proteins and DNA.

Why can't animals use nitrogen in the air?

Because the nitrogen in the air is in a form not usable to animals and plants. The only way animals get nitrogen to build protein and nucleic acid is by eating it. This is usually through plants, which get there nitrogen from the soil. They get it from the soil cuz bacteria in the soil turn the atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form. In a water ecosystem cyanobacteria a.k.a. blue-green algae transform the nitrogen from the atmosphere into usable forms of nitrate

What is the process of changing free nitrogen gas into a usable form of nitrogen?

Converting free nitrogen into a usable form ( a compound) is called nitrogen fixation.

What process involves the capture and conversion of nitrogen into a form usable by plants?

Nitrifying bacteria can convert atmospheric nitrogen in to nitrates that plants can use in the soil. That is why leguminous plants having these micro-organisms in the nodules enrich the soil for nitrogen deficiency.

What process of changing free nitrogen into a usable form of nitrogen is called?

nitrogen fixation

What is the process of changing free nitrogen into a usable form of nitrogen called?

nitrogen fixation