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Burning (combustion) of organic substance will produce waste Carbon Dioxide. Also metabolic processes in living things produces waste Carbon Dioxide.

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Q: What process produces waste carbon dioxide?
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What life process produces carbon dioxide as a waste product?

cell respiration

Which process produce carbon dioxide as a waste?

During cellular respiration animal cells combine oxygen with food molecules to release energy to live and function. Cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide as a waste product.

Which organ system produces carbon dioxide as waste?

some were in your body

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Which product produces carbon dioxide as a waste product?

During cellular respiration animal cells combine oxygen with food molecules to release energy to live and function. Cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide as a waste product.

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Which organ system produces carbon dioxide as a waste product in animals?

Respiratory system

How does a cell gets rid of waste products like carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is removed from cells by a process known as diffusion.

Carbon dioxide and water are waste products of which process?

Water isn't but carbon dioxide is the air you don't need and thats kind of waste.

What are two substances the body produces?

THe body produces bile , waste , carbon dioxide ,digestive juices and that is all i remember

What process produces co2 and water as waste?

Carbon makes up a large portion of the earth. 50% of a tree is carbon. When we burn just about anything the carbon is released in the form of carbon dioxide and water is often released as waste. A good example of this is petroleum, or gasoline. Complete combustion, or burning, when driving a car, releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.

Why is carbon dixiode a waste for animals?

Carbon dioxide is a waste for animals because it is expelled during the respiration process. Animals take in Oxygen, and once it is processed in their body, Carbon dioxide is released.