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Cave a hole and pour millions of gallons of water :)

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Q: What processes form a river valley?
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How do river form in valley?

A river valley forms from a river from the river going into a valley

What was not a site of the earliest river valley civilizations Huang he river valley nile river valley Danube river valley Tigris and Euphrates river valley?

Danube River Valley

Where is dibang river?

Dibang river is a tributary of Brahmputra river in Arunachal originate form Dibang valley dist region ...

What is river valley?

river valley is a river and a valley, like if a long stream of a river that is all i can say people.

What can transfrom a mountain vshaped river valley into a you shaped valleys?

A 'V' shaped valley has been formed by a stream or river. A 'U' shaped valley has been formed by the action of a glacier. Therefore, should a glacier form in the mountains, the ice, pushed downhill by the weight of fresh snow constantly being added high above, will gouge out the 'V' shaped river valley and form the 'U' shaped glacial valley.

What are at least five river valley civilization?

Mesopotamia Indus river valley Niger river valley Andes mountains Chinese river valley

What is a river valley civilization?

a river valley civilization is a settlement made next to river is a river valley civilization

What mountains form the northern borders of the Indus river valley?

Pamir Plateau, Himalayas.

This large river has a valley and the mistral wind is known to whistle down the valley of this river what is it?

Rhône River valley

How do valley glaciers form?

A U-shaped valley begins as a V-shaped river valley. If the temperature is low enough, a glacier (river of ice) forms inside the valley. As the glacier slowly moves, it scours the valley floor when the temperature rises and the glaciers melts away, a U-shaped valley is left behind.

Was the Indus River Valley Civilization in a desert?

No, it was in a river valley.

What is the Largest river valley in Idaho?

snake river valley