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Q: What processes produce a different colors we see in Opaque objects?
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What process produces different colors we see in opaque objects?

what processes produce the different colors we see in opaque objects

What processes produce the different colors you see in opaque objects?

absorption and reflection of different wavelengths of light

Can an opaque object produce a shadow?

Yes. Definitely it produces but its intensity will be low.answer 2 In general ONLY opaque objects will produce a shadow. A truly transparent object would not produce a shadow. Look up Opaque in your dictionary.

Colors of opaque objects?

colors of opaque object

Why do opaque objects appear to hve different colors?

This applies not only to opaque objects. The basic idea is that white light is a mixture of different colors, and objects tend to reflect the different colors - the components of white light - in different proportions. For example, an object that reflects most of the red light but not much of the other colors will look red.

What processes produce the different colors we see opaque objects?

Different materials absorb different wavelengths of visible radiation from sources like the sun or light bulbs. The wavelengths that are not absorbed are reflected as visible radiation, and the color we see depends on the wavelength of that reflected light, with a longer wavelength correlating to more reddish colors, and shorter wavelengths with more bluish colors. White objects reflect all of the visible radiation that strike them, which is why they absorb less heat than black objects, which reflect much less visible radiation.

Are all light reflectors opaque?

are all opaque objects reflectors

What processes produce the difference colors we see in opaque objects?

Different materials absorb different wavelengths of visible radiation from sources like the sun or light bulbs. The wavelengths that are not absorbed are reflected as visible radiation, and the color we see depends on the wavelength of that reflected light, with a longer wavelength correlating to more reddish colors, and shorter wavelengths with more bluish colors. White objects reflect all of the visible radiation that strike them, which is why they absorb less heat than black objects, which reflect much less visible radiation.

How is an opaque object different from a translucent object in terms of its ability to transmit light?

Opaque objects don't allow light to pass through them while translucent objects slow the passage of light but ultimately allow it to pass through.

What are three opaque objects that stop or absorb light?

A rock, a tree and a dog are three opaque objects that stop or absorb light

Can light be reflected off all types of objects?

No, not objects that are opaque.

When light rays are blocked by an object you can see the objects what?

These objects are opaque.