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Q: What processes puts carbon from a forest floor back into the atmosphere?
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Which gas that is found in ocean water does NOT come from the atmosphere?

Methane is one example of a gas found in ocean water that does not primarily come from the atmosphere. Methane can be produced through biological processes by organisms living in the sediments of the ocean floor.

What are the cons of living in a rainforest?

Older rainforests produce less carbon and there is poor soil on the Forest Floor

What has the author Astrid Nielsen written?

Astrid Nielsen has written: 'Variations in carbon quantities in forest floor necromass in a sub-humid tropical forest of Bolivia'

How do you put forest floor in a sentences?

the cat walked upon the forest floor The forest floor is wet and damp

Why do jaguars live in the forest floor?

the jaguar lives on the forest floor because it prefers an easier catch on the forest floor.

Can carbon dioxide come from wood burning furnaces?

Yes, however, wood can be carbon neutral.The process of burning wood also does not emit any additional carbon dioxide than the natural biodegradation of the wood if it were left to rot on the forest floor. Over the course of a tree's life it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then releases this carbon dioxide when it either decomposes naturally or is burned. For this reason, no extra CO2 is added to the atmosphere, it simply releases the carbon dioxide that was previously accumulated back into the environment. Wood is a very environmentally friendly source of fuel because it is carbon neutral. Fossil fuels on the other hand, are not carbon neutral.

What did Algae lower in the atmosphere?

Great blooms of oceanic algae, or phytoplankton, take carbon out of the atmosphere during photosynthesis. It is then taken deep into ocean with them when they die. Scientists say that this helped cool the earth during the ice ages by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it at the ocean floor, where it cannot be recycled back into the atmosphere.

How dark is the forest floor?

the forest floor starts from 0ft to 12ft

Why do anacondas live in the forest floor?

i think forest floor is warm than others

What is the definition of forest floor?

The ground in a forest

Where is carbon mostly found?

the carbon in the atmosphere has happened since the beginning of time. global warming is a hoax, what al gore and those people are showing you are just seasonal changes. sometimes its hot, sometimes its cold. that's the way the world works.

Which layer does the Rafflesia grow on?

The Rafflesia Arnoldii is in the Forest Floor