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Oak trees.

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Q: What produces acorns which are buried in the ground by squirrels acorns that are still in the ground in the spring sprout into new trees?
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What do squirrels do with acorns?

Squirrels bury the acorns in the ground,making it grow so they have enough food to eat with their family or themselves

How do squirrels help the ecosystem?

squirrels eat acorns which fall in abundance. by eating these acorns they lessen the amount lying on the ground. By having less acorns on the ground, it stops people from falling or twisting their ankles when these same folks could be helping pick up the trash or planting trees, thereby helping the ecosystem.

How is oak seed is dispersed?

Some acorns will fall to the ground, or squirrels can carry them away and bury the acorns some distance from the Oak tree. Not all acorns will be found again by the squirrel.

How do you save acorns for winter feeding of squirrels and birds?

put them in hollowed out holes in trees, high up enough from the ground for them to be safe

What type of food do ground squirrel's eat?

Squirrels like to eat seeds maybe out of a bird feeder,they also like to eat rodents

Why do squirrels bury acorns when they forget five minutes after where they berried it?

After observing squirrels in my yard, I asked myself, Why do they bury acorns when there are thousands laying on the ground. The answer is actually very ingenious. Burying the acorns subjects them to moisture which in turn causes them split open and sprout, the squirels don't have to remember where they buried them. They just look for the tiny seedlings emerging and know that underneath is a yummy, nutritious snack and mother nature has already cracked the shell open for them. I have verifiied this through observation. Again, quite ingenious, because any acorns that are missed become new oak trees, insuring the propagation of more trees.

How do squirrels find the acorns they bury?

They don't. They eat some of the acorn and then bury it leaving the embryo intact, later growing into an oak. Generally they do this with the red oak acorns, and fully consume the white oak acorns. There is no need to recover the buried acorn as they have a huge stockpile hidden elsewhere.

Do squirrels build nests in the ground?

No they cant share a nest or tree they will fight over acorns and peanuts and other nuts!

Does squirrels eat caterpillar?

ground squirrels do

Where do squirrels live in Idaho?

Idaho Ground Squirrels live under rocks and logs.

Do praire dogs eat ground squirrels?

No prairie dogs do not eat ground squirrels.

How do trees grow in a natural forset?

The trees produce seeds that fall to the ground. If falling on damp soil, they are likely to germinate and grow into saplings and then mature trees. If the seeds fall where they are in sunlight, they have a better chance of germination. If falling in dense shadow, they may still grow, but will be weak and stunted due to the lack of sunlight.In the case of oak trees, whose seed is the acorn, squirrels help to spread the acorns by burying acorns in the ground. Not every acorn will be eaten by the squirrels, and will germinate in the Spring.