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The body itself but too much can slow them down or kill them. That is why the testicles are held in the scrotum. They can be lifted toward the main part of the body to keep warm and be dropped down if the body is too warm.

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Q: What produces body heat for the sperm?
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What does Testicle do in a human?

The Testicle is what produces sperm in the male human body.

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It cannot exceed the limit it has or produces

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Which part of the body produces sperm cell?

this sac is found outside the body to kepp the sperm cell in a cooler temperature the testes produce billion of

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The gonad is another name for testicle which is the part of the male body that produces testosterone and sperm.

What system produces most body heat?

i think its the indocrine :/

How do you stimulate the production of sperms?

The body constantly produces sperm and re absorbs the unused sperm as nutrients. To produce more just keep you body heathy by eating correctly.

If you're out of sperm does it produce?

The male body, from puberty into old age, is continuously producing sperm. Unlike the female body which is born with a certain number of eggs and never produces anymore.