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Q: What products contain ozone?
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What are the common products likely to contain ozone depleting substances?

Not many left. Used to be refrigerants, solvents, propellants (like in spray cans), and stuff for inflating foam products.

Does the messosphere contain the ozone layer?

No the mesosphere does not contain the ozone layer. The ozone layer is only present in the stratosphere.

What are aerosols doing to the ozone layer?

Aerosols are harming the ozone. They contain the synthetic CFC's.

What are the unfriendly ozone products?

Products containing CFC's. Deodorants, spray cans etc are unfriendly ozone products.

How industries can protect ozone layer depletion?

Industries can produce ozone friendly products. These products could help in saving ozone.

Does the stratosphere contain the highest concentration of ozone?

Yes, it does. Most of the ozone is in the ozone layer.

Were the most ozone exists thermosphere?

No, it does not. The thermosphere does not contain the ozone.

Does ionosphere contain the ozone layer?

No, it doesn't. The stratosphere contains ozone.

Does the mesosphere conains the ozone layer?

No, it doesn't. Mesosphere doesn't contain ozone.

Why are aerosols harmful to the ozone?

Aerosols contain CFC's. They react with ozone to deplete it.

Why does and ozone hole form?

The ozone hole is formed due to the ozone depleting substances. These substances contain CFC which deplete the ozone layer.

How do pestisides affect the Ozone layer?

Pesticides contain CFC's. They react with ozone and deplete it.