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Q: What prompted the writing of each piece red jacket and Benjamin Franklin?
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What did Benjamin Franklin mean when he said he might be hanged like a jacket?

You know when you hang jacket he ment that he was the jacket and he was gonna be hanged like one

What clothes did Benjamin Franklin wear?

don't know and will never know for sure but i bet they were Dukey underpants or something

Is writing 'I'm gay' on someone's jacket sexual harassment?

yes it is

Who does Benjamin dance with at the party in Benjamin's Open Day by Jane White?

Benjamin danced with Penelope Wace, Magda the cook, his mother, his sister and a young man wearing a black velvet jacket with ruffles who he had drunkenly mistaken for a girl.


Benjamin Guggenheim, after refusing a life jacket, is quoted as saying 'we are dressed in our best and prepared to go down like gentlemen'.

What are the lyrics to jacket by shallow gravy?

Yellow Jacket, Strait Jacket, Smoking Jacket, Full Metal Jacket! Flack Jacket, Leather Jacket, Forcey Jacket, It's Brock's Jacket! Puffy Jacket, Bullet-Proof Jacket, Track Jacket, a Woolen Jacket! Dungaree Jacket, Jean Jacket, Denim Jacket, Their all the same jacket! Put on my outer wear. My special coat, without a tear! Jackets are everywhere. With a hood, or a belt, or a sleeveless one. Doesn't count, that's a vest called a Jerkin. A, 2, 3, 4. A Harley Jacket, Bolero Jacket, Tuxedo Jacket, An Eisenhower Jacket! Nehru Jacket, Satin Jacket, Riding Jacket, Technicolor Jacket! Welding Jacket, Child's Jacket, Driving Jacket, Reversible Jacket! Members only Jacket, Padded Jacket, Fringed Jacket, Double Crested Jacket! All in the coast of where, The Devils land, and Witches Hair! Jackets are everywhere. Put on my outerwear. My special coat, without a tear! Jackets are everywhere. With a hood, or a belt, or a sleeveless one. Doesn't count, that's a vest called a Jerkin. Ahh......we're all wearing jackets...

What can you wear to a courthouse if you are a visitor?

Clean comfortable clothes. Jeans, slacks, button-down shirt, T-shirt without pictures or writing, sweater or jacket.

Is jacket a short vowel?

No, "jacket" does not contain a short vowel. The "a" in "jacket" is a long vowel sound.

How does one differentiate between a woman's jacket and a man's jacket?

sizing and the fit of the jacket.. Also if the jacket has buttons a womans jacket will have the buttons on the left side were as a mans jacket has the buttons on the right side,,same with shirts...

What is a light jacket called?


What is the climax in the jacket?

he lost his jacket

What are three sentences for the word jacket?

Have you seen my jacket?I like a decent jacket potato.he slipped the business card into his jacket pocket.