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Technically light is not a particle nor a wave, due to particle-wave duality. However it is commonly referred to as a particle, the photon. Then again, there is also the photon field in which photons live, so the entire picture is somewhat complicated.

One of the major signs that light had some particle-like qualities came from the photo-electric effect (which incidentally landed Albert Einstein his Nobel prize). The photo-electric effect happens when high energy photons (or high frequency light if you like) strikes a metal and the light evicts an electron from the metal.

What was surprising is that the amount of released electrons dropped to zero below a certain frequency. But increasing the frequency much above that threshold likewise did not lead to additional released electrons, it only increased the energy of these so-called photo-electrons. Increasing the intensity of the light does increase the number of released electrons, but it does not increase the energy of the photo-electrons.

This was very counter-intuitive for people who regarded light as being just a wave because increasing the intensity should increase the energy and thus also the energy of the released electrons.

Through the work of Einstein we now know that increasing the intensity increases the number of photons in the light beam, and more photons means more collisions to release electrons. But each photon does not gain more energy with increased intensity (you just get more protons) which explains why the energy of the released electrons was insensitive to the intensity of the light.

With the advent of quantum mechanics it is now clear that the electromagnetic field is quantized; it comes in small packages called photons.

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