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The most definitive test would be the ability of the liquid phase of the compound to conduct electricity easily. (The ability of an aqueous solution of the compound to conduct electricity would be less reliable, because many covalently bonded compounds, such as the hydrohalogens and the oxides of sulfur, ionize spontaneously when dissolved in water.) Another indicator of ionic bonding would be a high melting point temperature for the compound.

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2d ago

Compounds with a large difference in electronegativity between the atoms (typically metal and non-metal) tend to form ionic bonds. Additionally, compounds with high melting and boiling points, good electrical conductivity in the molten or aqueous state, and a crystalline structure are likely to contain ionic bonds.

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Q: What properties of a compound would lead you to expect that it contains ionic bonds?
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Is the properties of a compound very similar to its elements?

The properties of a compound are usually different from those of its individual elements because chemical bonds are formed between the elements, leading to new chemical and physical properties. These properties are determined by the arrangement of atoms in the compound, as well as the type of bonds that are formed.

Can you predict the properties of a compound by knowing the properties of the elements that make up the compound explain your answer?

Yes, you can predict the properties of a compound based on the properties of the elements it is composed of. This is because the properties of a compound are determined by how its constituent elements interact with each other through chemical bonds. For example, if the elements in a compound have high electronegativity, the compound is likely to have polar covalent bonds and exhibit properties like high solubility in water and good conductivity.

What is the smallest particle of a covalent compound that shows the properties of that compound?

The smallest particle of a covalent compound that shows the properties of that compound is a molecule. In a covalent compound, atoms share electrons to form stable bonds, and the smallest unit that retains the chemical properties of the compound is the molecule, which consists of at least two atoms bonded together.

How is the way a mixture is combined different from how a compound is combined?

In a mixture, the substances are physically mixed together and each retains its own properties. In a compound, the atoms of different elements chemically combine to form a new substance with unique properties.

What is substance containing two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed ratio?

It is called a compound

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Is it true that the compound NH3 contains two double covalent bonds?

No, NH3 (ammonia) does not contain any double covalent bonds. It forms a single covalent bond between nitrogen and each of the three hydrogen atoms.

Is Water is an example of an ionic compound?

Water contains no ionic bonds as it is a covalent compound.

Does NaF contain covalent bonds?

No, NaF contains ionic bonds. Ionic bonds are formed between the sodium (Na) cation and the fluoride (F) anion, in which electrons are transferred from sodium to fluorine. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms, which is not the case in NaF.

What group of reactive atoms and bonds gives certain properties to a compound?

A Functional Group is a group of reactive atoms and bonds that give certain properties to a compound. The Carbonyl group is very important in organic chemistry.

Is the compound water an organic compound?

No, it is aqueous. It contains no carbons, i.e. no carbon-hydrogen bonds

What organic compound that contains only single bonds?

An organic compound that contains only single bonds is called an alkane. Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n+2, and their carbon atoms are connected by single covalent bonds. Examples of alkanes include methane, ethane, and propane.

What is a compound that contains only single covalent bonds between carbon atoms?

An alkane.

Why are some organic compound known as saturated hydrocarbons?

A saturated hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon which has no double or triple bonds associated with it. In other words, it is a hydrocarbon which contains only single bonds.

What type of substance contains more one kind of element joined by chemical bonds?


How are the properties of a compound different from those in a mixture?

A compound has a definite composition, while a mixture's composition can vary.

What types of bonds does 1- butene have?

1-butene can form both pi bonds and sigma bonds. Pi bonds are formed by the overlap of p orbitals, while sigma bonds are formed by the head-on overlap of atomic orbitals. In 1-butene, there are both a C=C double bond and several C-H single bonds contributing to the overall bonding structure.

Does borax have covalent or ionic bonds?

Borax has both covalent and ionic bonds. Borax contains boron, oxygen, sodium, and hydrogen atoms that form covalent bonds within the molecules, while the sodium ions and borate anions form ionic bonds between the molecules.