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Q: What property is not important when selecting a material to use as a light bulb filament?
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Which property is not important when selecting a material to use as a light bulb filament?

High vapor pressure

Which property is not important when selecting a material use as a light bulb filament?

High vapor pressure

Which property is not important when selecting a material to use as a light bulb?

High vapor pressure

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plasticity in the important mechanical property for the extrusion purpose.

Suggest the physical property that can render tungsten suitable for making filament of tungsten light bulb?

The physical property that can render tungsten suitable for making filament of tungsten light bulbs is incandescence.

Property of the filament that makes it light up when electricity flows through it?

Incandescence. The filament is heated by the electricity moving through it, this causes the filament to heat up, and the heat causes the familiar glow.

What is the definition of property in scientific terms?

characteristic or functionality of a material = property of a material

What two kinds of electron motion are important in determining the magnetic property of a material?

Orbital and spin motion of electron

What is a property of a material?

It will be crystal.Crystal is the main property

What is the property of the filament that makes it light up when electricity flows through?

the simple answer is resistance, the filament is a very fine wire (usually tungsten) that heats up and glows when power is applied

What is the property of filament that makes it light up when electricity flows through it?

the simple answer is resistance, the filament is a very fine wire (usually tungsten) that heats up and glows when power is applied