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That has nothing to do with properties of air. "Low pressure" means there isn't much pressure, it's as simple as that.

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Q: What property of air explains why there is less air pressure in a low pressure system?
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What would the weather be like if you replaced a low pressure system with a high pressure system?

the area would become cooler with less humidity

What is a low a low air pressure system?

15 PSI or less

How does uncontrolled bleeding affect blood pressure?

Your blood pressure will lower because less blood will be pumped into your system by the heart

What is a low-pressure system and what is a high-pressure system?

The difference is that Low air pressure has less air molecules pushing down in one area and high air pressure has more air molecules pushing down in one area.

What happens in a low pressure system?

Low pressure systems are usually associated with stormy weather and rain.

Which property explains why a lot of oxygen can be pumped into a very small container?

Yes as the oxygen (gas) can be compressed into the very small container which is a property.

Why does lowering the pressure make there less collisions?

Pressure is due to particles colliding with the walls of the container in which the system is encompassed. Therefore, for a lower pressure (with the same number of particles), the particles would have to collide less frequently with the container walls.

What are the characteristics of a high pressure system?

When there is high pressure, the air is less dense i believe

What is the difference between a high-pressure system and A low pressure system?

The difference is that Low air pressure has less air molecules pushing down in one area and high air pressure has more air molecules pushing down in one area.

What is the difference between high-pressure system and a low-pressure system?

The difference is that Low air pressure has less air molecules pushing down in one area and high air pressure has more air molecules pushing down in one area.

Does air pressure decrease as you move from the base to the top of a mountain?

Yes, because there is less air above you. This also explains why the higher you go, the more you become short of breath.

What property of gases makes the brakes fail if air gets into the brake fluid?

Gas is compressible while liquid is not. So if you get air in your brake line, which is a hydraulic system, it will not be able to exert the needed pressure on the brake pads making them less effective.