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The temperature of the air.

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Q: What property of the air has the most infuence on convection currents?
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What property of the air has the most influence on convection currents?

the temperature of the air

Where do convection currents happen?

Convection currents occur in any fluid in which there is a temperature differance. Most convection currents occur in the mantle, the layer of semi-liquid rock below the crust. These currents are the reason behind plate tectonics.

What is the mechanical layer of earths that has the most active convection currents?

The Earth's core.

What is the mechanical layer of earth that has the most active convection's currents?

The Earth's core.

Convection currents may be produced most easily in the samples of?

Water and dry air

What is the mechanical layer of Earth that has the most active convection currents?

The Earth's core.

Where do you find convection currents?

Convection currents occur in the asthenosphere.

How are conviction currents in the air useful?

'Convection' currents do several things, most notably by creating wind. These currents also move clouds, providing rain, as well as other atmospheric features.

Which layer is most affected by conduction?

the layer that has convection currents is the mantle

Where does heat transfer by convection currents take place in the earths interior?

Most convection currents exist in the mantle, the layer below the Earth's crust. As the semi-molten rock heats up, it rises closer to the surface, and it sinks as it cools. This is how plate tectonics works, as the crust's plates move on these currents.

How is most energy transferred through the ocean?

Through currents and winds that propel energy

Most geologists thinks that the movement of earths plates is caused by?

Geologists have hypothesized that the movement of tectonic plates is related to convection currents in the earth's mantle. Convection currents describe the rising, spread, and sinking of gas, liquid, or molten material caused by the application of heat.