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Q: What protein adds complementary RNA nucleotides to provide a 3 end for which DNA can attach?
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What are nitrogen bases attached to?

Nitrogen bases attach to deoxyribose sugar, in nucleotides.

Why do dideoxy nucleotides cause the DNA strand to stop elongating?

It doesn't contain an OHO bond so no other nucleotides can attach to it.

What is a riboprotein?

riboNucleoproteins are protein+RNA. The Ribo means it is RNA and not DNA (deoxyribo) nucleotides. Nucleotides (RNA or DNA) can hold onto proteins and subsequently react with substrates or attach to other macromolecules such as proteins. Some proteins will not work without nucleotides attached. Ribosomal proteins, on the other hand, are proteins that work with ribosomes. There are about 79 proteins that interact with ribosomes.

Where does Helicase attach to on the DNA strand?

Enzyme helicase unwinds the DNA by breaking the bonds between nucleotides. Thus attaches itself at the nucleotides.

What are the 3 rules that DNA replication must follow?

DNA cannot replicate de novo (i.e. there must be a free 3' OH group to attach nucleotides to) Replication must go from 5' to 3' The two strands of DNA are antiparallel Complementary base pairing

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What is the name of the enzyme that would have placed nucleotides into the replicating DNA in the correct order?

DNA polymerases attach the free nucleotides and also proofread for mismatched pairs and replace them with the correct pair.

Can HIV attach itself to a muscle cell or a skin cell?

No, HIV cannot attach itself to a muscle or a skin cell because the antigens on the HIV membrane are not complementary to their binding sites. However, HIV can attach itself to a helper T cell because the antigens on the HIV membrane are complementary to the binding sites of the helper T cells.

What are protein strands that attach to the centromere?

Spindle fibers.

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How many tRNA nucleotides form an anitcodon that will attach to the mRNA codon?

The codon and the anticodon interact with each other via hydrogen bonding, hence both the codon and anticodon are made up of the same number of nucleotides, which is three.

What does the first nucleotide attach to because DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to a pre-existing strand?

An RNA primer.