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Q: What protein is involved in formation of scar tissue?
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What protein is involved in the formation of scar tissue in wound healing?


What protein is intimately involved in the formation of scar tissue in wound healing?


What protein is involved in the formation of scar tissues in wound healing?


What protein fiber are in scar tissue?


What is a typical result of repairing aging skeletal muscle tissue?

formation of scar tissue

Why does a deep injury to the skin result in abundant scar tissue formation?

More severe injuries damage and destroy more tissue , requiring greater replacement with scar tissue

Post surgical scar tissue in the elbow?

Post surgical scar tissue in general is called adhesions. This is the scar formation below the surface of the skin. As with elbow surgery or carpal tunnel surgery the tissue heals back in kind of a spider web formation. Sometimes this formation attaches to surrounding structures like nerves, which can cause problems and symptoms down the road.

What is involved in wound healing?

Wound healing is a biological process that begins with trauma and ends with scar formation. There are two types of tissue injury: full and partial thickness.

The medical term for a normal scar?

A cicatrix is a scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.

When skeletal muscle fibers decrease in diameter it causes?

Excessive formation of scar tissue.

What is the formation of scar tissue in the lung resulting in decreased lung capacity?

pulmonary fibrosis

How does massage therapy help skin conditions?

Reduction in the formation of excessive scar tissue following soft tissue injuries; enhancement in the health and nourishment of skin.