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Keratin is the tough, waterproof protein abundant in the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis.

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Q: What proteins are found in the epidermis or dermis?
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Is the stratum corneum found in the dermis?

No. It is found in the top layer of the epidermis. Epi- means above and dermis means (true) skin. It also the top most layer of the epidermis. The term means horny (cornenum) layer (stratum). This very top layer is not alive and flakes off as what we call dry skin.

What are the two layer of the dermis?

The papillary and reticular dermis are the two layers of Dermis.

What are similarities in the structures found in the epidermis with the structures found in the dermis?

There is no structural similarity between the epidermis and the dermis. They are both a part of the integumentary system but are vastly different in structure and makeup.

What are the type of epithelial tissue found in the epidermis and dermis of the skin?

The type of epithelial tissue that is found in the epidermis of the skin is called stratified squamous epithelium. The dermis consists of connective tissue.

What organ system contains the dermis and epidermis?

The integumentary system contains the dermis and epidermis.

What layer of skin is found under the epidermis?

The dermis is found underneath the epidermis. The two layers are connected by a basement membrane.

What are the three layer of skin?

Epidermis, Dermis, and Subcutaneous Tissue.

Are lymph capillaries found in the epidermis?

Yes, there are many lymph capillaries in the bottom portion of the dermis. They are there take all the waste material and recycle them!

What skin layers are affected when a cut on your hand bleeds?

the epidermis and dermis. the blood vessel are found in the dermis layer

What system has dermis and epidermis?

Type your answer here... the skin .. integumentary

The epidermis is thicker than the dermis?

yes, the dermis is much thicker than the epidermis

Is the dermis the outermost layer of the skin?

The epidermis is the superficial layer of the skin. The Integumentary System (skin) consists of two main layers the epidermis and dermis. The dermis is deeper into the body (internal), thus the deep layer of the skin, not the superficial layer. epidermisNo the epidermis is. The dermis is the innermost layer. There are only 2 layers of the skin.No the epidermis is. The dermis is the innermost layer. There are only 2 layers of the skin. no,dermis is not upper layer of skin. epidermis is superficial one,dermis is below epidermis.