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Q: What protists have a hard outer coating made of silica?
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Do amphibians lay eggs without shells?

No hard outer coating. Although they do have a jelly coating for minimal protection. Some eggs are also toxic.

Does fish have a hard or soft outer covering?

This depends on the species. Some fish have a harder coating over themselves than others.

What kind skin does a spider have?

Spiders are arachnids, which means that they are animals with exoskeletons. Their "skin" is a hard outer coating that protects their soft inside bodies.

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Why do bones have hard coating?

Bones have a hard coating to protect the nerves, marrow and blood vessels located in the cavity,

Silica is a hard glassy material that does not dissolve?


Why is silica gel not edible?

Silica gel is not edible because it is hard and tough. It also has other chemicals added to it that should not be eaten. The silica gel itself is not toxic.

What is the constituents of hard glass?

the constituents of hard glass is potassium carbonate , limestone and silica

What does flint?

A hard gray rock consiting of nearly pure silica.

What does homeopathy treat with silica?

In homeopathy, silica is often used to treat symptoms of chronic diseases where there is general weakness and a lack of either physical or emotional strength. The rocks silica comes from are hard and compact.

What is the special name for hard outer covering insects?

Bugs are invertebrates, which means they do not have a spine. Instead, they have a hard outer shell called an exoskeleton.

What are the physical properties of silica?

its transparenta solidpoisonous if eatena kind of rockits hard