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In most cases, I figure it'd be the sun.

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Q: What provides the energy to make water evaporate from oceans and seas?
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What provides the energy that water needs to evaporate?

These energy sources are the movement of water molecules and the temperature.

What provides the energy causes water to evaporate?

This is the continuous Brownian movement of water molecules.

Which form of energy powers the water cycle?

Thermal energy from sun powers water cycle.It provides heat to evaporate.

Where is energy absorbed in the water cycle?

Evaporation involves absorption of energy. It uses this energy to evaporate water.

Does most water evaporate into oceans or puddles?

Most water is evaporated from oceans.

What body of water does most moisture evaporate from?

These are the oceans.

Does more water evaporate from land or from the ocean?

More water is evaporated from oceans.

How does the sun influence the water cycle?

The sun provides the energy needed to evapourate water from the surface of oceans, seas and lakes etc and it also provides the heat energy to prevent almost all of the water on the Earth from freezing.

How does energy from the sun power hurricanes analyze?

The sun warms the oceans, causing water to evaporate. Under the right conditions the water vapor can rise and condense, releasing energy in the process that can power storms such as hurricanes.

When the sun heats the oceans which substances evaporate?

Water is the only thing.

Why does more water evaporate off of oceans than off of land?

Because the water area of oceans is greater than the water areas from the land.

What does water evaporate mostly from?

Water is mostly evaporated from oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc.