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Q: What provision was not part of the northwest territory plan?
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The Northwest Ordinance outlined a plan for the future of the Northwest Territory. Which provision was not part of that plan?

Each new state created from the territory could determine its own level of religious freedom.

Who had a plan for dividing the northwest territory into ten states with names like cherronesus?

Thomas Jefferson

What is a provision of the jersey plan?

a provision of the New Jersey Plan?

What laws set up a plan for governing and forming new states in the northwestern territory?

the northwest ordinance of 1787

What was the 3 step plan to guide Northwest Territories to statehood?

1) choose leaders 2) 5,000 white males settled in territory 3) 60,000 people settled in territory

What was the plan for the northwest territory in 1785?

Thomas Jefferson After the end of the American Revolution, Congress established a system for settling the new territory the United States acquired. The land involved was located west of the Appalachian Mountains and eventually became the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and a portion of Minnesota. The Land Ordinances of 1785 and 1787 served as a framework for settling this Northwest Territory.

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What was a following provision of the New Jersey plan?

An executive committee would lead the executive branch.

Who suggested a plan for the Northwest Territory to be converted into ten separate states... one of which was to be called Cherronesus?

Thomas Jefferson--Cherronesus was to be in what is now northern Michigan.

In your opinion what was the most important element of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

You can just copy this if you want NO COPY RIGHTS: In my opinion the most important element was that it protected civil liberties and required that public education be provided. If this was not here, many children would have had no education and our economy would have gotten no where at that time, and it just made our community stronger.

What was a provision of the New Jersey plan?

An executive committee would lead the executive branch.

Lincolns plan for the besieged federal forces in Fort Sumter was?

To provision the garrison but not reinforce it.