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He allowed and promoted the spontaneous demonstrations and processions because he is a dick.

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what purpose does napoleon cite as the reason for the weekly spontaneous demostrations what is their real purpose

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Q: What purpose does napoleon cite as the reason for the weekly spontaneous demonstrations?
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What would most likely to be spontaneous?

Spontaneous means without planning. A spontaneous visit to the zoo is one you thought of at the last minute out of nowhere. Spontaneous combustion is when something catches fire without apparent reason, just out of nowhere.

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the answer is "to find-out , or understand the reason"why the song was originallywritten. There absolutely must be a reason for every purpose.For example;what is your purpose in life?answer is; your reason for meaning you have a purpose in life . what's the reason for listening to music if the song doesn't have a purpose.without a purpose you don't have much......

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Purpose can refer to when someone has a reason for doing something. If something has a purpose, then there is a use for it, and a reason for it to be around, and in use.