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Q: What purposes were temples used for in early Mesoamerican civilizations?
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What structures were central to religious ceremonies in early Mesoamerican civilizations?

Pyramids were central to religious ceremonies.

How has the history of Mexico affected its culture?

Their culture is a composite of influences handed down by countless civilizations. From the early Mesoamerican civilizations to the diverse populations that

What did mesoamerican civilizations have in common?

well many would take to long to list sorry

Where did the early church meet?

The early church met in temples.

Which olmec creation was adopted by most early Mexican culures?

The calendar system developed by the Olmec civilization was adopted by most early Mexican cultures. This calendar, known as the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, played a significant role in the civilizations that followed, such as the Maya and Aztec.

Why did early civilizations develope art and archatecturre?

Early civilizations developed art and architecture for several reasons. Firstly, art served as a means of communication, allowing them to convey stories, beliefs, and cultural traditions. Architecture was essential for practical purposes such as shelter, but also for showcasing power, wealth, and religious devotion. Additionally, both art and architecture were important in establishing social identity and a sense of community within these early civilizations.

Where did early civilizations begin?

the early civilizations began in Africa but most exact in Zambia

The economy of early civilizations was based around .?

The economy of early civilizations was based around agriculture.

How did early civilizations used the position of certain stars for such buildings as Mayan pyramids and Greek temples?

Early civilizations used the position of certain stars for buildings like Mayan pyramids and Greek temples to align them with astronomical events like solstices, equinoxes, or important celestial events, linking their structures to a broader cosmic framework and possibly for religious or ceremonial reasons. By aligning these buildings with specific stars or constellations, these ancient civilizations demonstrated their knowledge of astronomy and sought to establish connections between the earthly and the celestial realms.

Who were the early civilizations?


What where the accomplishments of the early river valley civilizations?

The Nile River was the axis of two early African civilizations

What is the Concept of zero in early civilization?

In common with the other Mesoamerican civilizations, the Maya used a base 20 (vigesimal) and base 5 numbering system (see Maya numerals). Also, the preclassic Maya and their neighbors independently developed the concept of zero by 36 BC