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Q: What pushes thunderstorms from one town to another?
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Pushes or pulls which completely cancel one another out are called?

unbalanced forces.

Why can cold fonts cause thunderstorms?

Thunderstorms start when warm, moist air is lifted and continues to rise on its own. In a cold front, a cooler air mass pushes into a warmer one. Since cool air is denser than warm air, the cooler air mass acts as a wedge, pushing the warmer air up. This can initiate the upward movement needed for thunderstorms.

Is a cold front part of a thunderstorm?

No. A cold front is weather feature that develops when a large cool air mass pushes into a warmer one. Many thunderstorms in the temperate latitudes develop along or just ahead of cold fronts, but not all. Conversely, many cold fronts, especially in the winter, do not cause thunderstorms.

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Something that pushes the experimental results one way or another. -Apex Learning

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What is meant by action-reaction forces?

That refers to Newton's Third Law: if one object pushes against another object, then the other object automatically pushes back.

Is friction a push force?

Friction is a push force. When one object pushes one direction on an object the other object pushes the opposite direction. The harder an object is pushed against another the more friction there is.

When one object pushes or pulls another object the first object is what a force on the second object?


When one tectonic plate pushes underneath another what kind of boundary forms?

subduction zone or continental plate

What are the mythological explanations for thunderstorms?

At one time, it was believed that thunderstorms were battles waged by Zeus. Thunderstorms occurred when Jotnar fought with Thor. Later, thunderstorms were thought to have been caused by an angry god.

How can the forces in agame of tug-of-war result in equilibrium?

Both sides are pulling the opposite dirrention so acceleration is zero which is equilibrium

What is a push in NASCAR Daytona 500 race?

There are two kinds of pushes. When a driver says "My car pushes," then it is resisting turning. Then there is the physical act of one car pushing another forward to speed them both up.