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Her name was Lucretia Mott.

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Q: What quaker minister helped organize the seneca falls movement?
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What is the Quaker movement?

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Which was a Quaker who published an abolitionist newspaper and helped found the American Anti-Slavery Society?

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Quaker minister who helped organize the seneca falls convention?

I Believ that susan b. anthony did.. but I'm not quite sure..

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One person answered:-No - it is not, it is William Penn who is on the front of the Quaker Oats boxes.

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You were born a slave to a quaker lawyer from Pennsylvania in 1760 eventually you will become the founder of the African Methodist episcopal church and will organize the first national convention in p?

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Who did George Fox marry?

George Fox, the founder of the Quaker movement, married Margaret Fell. She was a leading figure in the early Quaker movement and is often referred to as the mother of Quakerism.

What are the Quaker's principles?

simplicity peace integrity community equality They also believe of that in God in everyone and that anyone who believes can be a minister of the faith.

What did Betsy Ross dad do for a living?

i don't know if this is actually what he did, but he was a Quaker :) hope i helped!