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The Eligibility Criteria for JEE Main Exam 2018 are:

  • A general candidate should have been born on or after 1st October 1993. A relaxation of 5 years is provided to candidates who are SC, ST or PWD.
  • Candidates who have passed class 12th in the year 2016 or 2017, and who are appearing for it in 2018.
  • Candidates should have secured at least 75% in 12th Board exam. For SC, ST and PWD, the minimum required marks is 65% in 12th.
  • A student can take a maximum of 3 attempts for JEE Main.
  • Candidates must be Indian citizens. Note that a valid Aadhar Card is required for exam registration.
  • No weightage will be given to class 12th marks for the calculation of All India Rank (AIR) for JEE Main.
  • Ref:
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Q: What qualification required for jee main?
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Is iit jee main and iit jee prelims same?

NO. There is not IIT JEE prelims. Now two exams are conducted, JEE Main (earliear AIEEE) and JEE Advanced (earliear IIT JEE). Only top 150000 candidates of JEE Main are eligibile for JEE Advanced. So JEE Main is just an eligibility test for JEE Advanced.

What are Common Preparation Mistakes of IIT JEE Advanced?

Common Mistakes of IIT JEE AdvancedDo not miss the school lecturesDo not delay your preparationStudy regularlyDo not take JEE Main for grantedTake your mistakes seriously

What is meant by category rank in jee mains?

Category rank is the merit rank you achieve in the JEE Main in your category (Gen, ST, SC, OBC). Similary state ranks is also provided.

How much rank is required in iit-jee to get b-tech mechnical in iit-delhi?

You should get a rank between 400 to 600.

How is iit qualified?

Indian institute of technology is a premier institute in India located at various places all over India. IIT entrance considered to be the toughest exam in the world for engineering entrance. The format for IIT entrance has been recently changed. According to it you have to pass to barriers to gain a seat in any IIT. first is through JEE main, which is also an entrance exam for all Nit's and other affiliated colleges. Improve your basics to cross the JEE main. JEE advanced requires a bit more practise. For JEE main focus on all the CBSE text books. For JEE advanced focus on a bit tough concepts and problems. Always be aware of the syllabus. Don't concentrate on unnecessary syllabus. Always be focused. Ultimately hard work pays.

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Is iit jee main and iit jee prelims same?

NO. There is not IIT JEE prelims. Now two exams are conducted, JEE Main (earliear AIEEE) and JEE Advanced (earliear IIT JEE). Only top 150000 candidates of JEE Main are eligibile for JEE Advanced. So JEE Main is just an eligibility test for JEE Advanced.

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How much study required for IIT-JEE?

!100% study is required.

What is JEE main and JEE advance exam?

JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) is conducted in India w.e.f. 2013 for admission into first year B. Tech and B. Arch. Course. JEE Main is the first stage screening test and JEE Advanced is the final stage test. JEE Advanced is for the top 1,50,000 candidates those who qualified in JEE Mains.

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Is nios valid for jee main or advance?

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is a reconiged body and students are eligible for JEE Main / Advanced.

How was your JEE Mains 2017 result?

JEE Main 2017 results have been declared on 1st April 27, 2017. Candidates can check JEE Main result 2017 by entering their Roll Number and Date of birth.

You have compartment in 12TH and you selected in aieee will you got admission after qualifying compartment exam?

The AIEEE has now been replaced by the JEE MAIN. Once a person qualifies the JEE MAIN exam, he gets into the JEE ADVANCED Exam. This is basically an entrance exam for the IIT's. However, the student will also be eligible for other colleges with his JEE MAIN/ADVANCED Score.

What qualification are required to become a bricklayer?

you will have to go to colledge and study bricklaying to get a qualification

Is passing in JEE main exam enough for joining NIT?

Passing with required merit rank is necessary for admission. NITs take admission on merit basis only.

When is jee main 2013 results?

7th of May

Is tuition necessary for aieee and iit-jee?

no tuition are not really required