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Q: What qualities do humans have that could never be replaced by robots?
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Why do you need robots?

There is no real need for robots. However, they do make many people's lives easier, and have enabled humans to do things they never could have done without robots.

Why robots and not humans into space?

well robots last longer and need very little upkeep when humans must come down and age and die.... but then again if somone hacked into it they could control it.

Why are robots used in movies?

To give movies a more scientific feel or to make people wonder if robots could actually be used instead of humans which is what is happening at the moment in factories.

Is it worth the 25 billion pounds to put astronauts on mars when you could just send robots?

we humans can see more and understand more than robots or computers can. we can adapt and basically they can't

What was the idea for transformers?

The main idea was showing people the main relations between humans and robots (technic). In some cases robots could be realy helpfull, in some other cases - not at all

What jobs will be replaced by computers?

Most jobs that currently can be replaced by computers alone have been. Numerous other jobs that could be replaced so, would also require the computer to have artificial intelligence and the ability to rationalise as humans do. The unlikelihod of this means it probably won't occur in the conceivably near-future.Jobs that can be replaced by computers in conjunction with other tools such as robots include manufacture and primary sector jobs, such as farming and processing. Many tertiary sector jobs could also theoretically be replaced by them, such as accounting, receptionist, diagnostic and consultancy services.

Where could you buy papero robots?

Papero robots are not for sale.

Could computers and robots exist if everything was inorganic?

Computers and robots are inorganic, so they could indeed exist. the question is whether or not computers and robots could have come about in a universe that is inorganic.

Will there be a robots 2?

there could be a Robots 2 maybe coming out in 2015.

What robot do karel capek rur built?

One hopes you're aware that Karel Capek was a writer, and RUR was a play, and no "robots" were actually built.Capek's "robots" (from a Czech word meaning "worker" or "slave") were not what modern people would think of when they hear the word "robot". The Rossum universal robots were pretty much indistinguishable from humans (or, at worst, from humans wearing make-up) so that the ones that are important to the story could be played by humans wearing make-up. Today, we'd probably call them "androids" or "synthetic humanoids" rather than robots.

How might robots be used in the future?

I think robots could take over the universe

Why are robots used in industries?

Robots are used in the industry as they excel at tasks that are repetitive, boring or dangerous to do. They can reduce the cost of manufacturing, finish their tasks efficiently and standardize all goods to a high quality. The hazards involved in dangerous tasks, such as handling toxic chemicals, could also be avoided with the aid of robots. Humans could also avoid daunting tasks that may result in strains and tiredness.