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Q: What qualities do you think were valued by the early participants in the civil rights movements?
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There are a few qualities that are valued in herbs grown in the castle garden. One quality is that they are fresh.

What quality would have been valued in herbs grown in castles gardens?

There are a few qualities that are valued in herbs grown in the castle garden. One quality is that they are fresh.

What quality would have been valued in herbs grown in the castles gardens?

There are a few qualities that are valued in herbs grown in the castle garden. One quality is that they are fresh.

Are the qualities of loyalty courage truth and honor still valued?

no really, but it's really important to have.

Why it is both necessary and helpful to study the context of prior history especially the experiences of participants in that history in order to understand what is valued by these participants?

A look back in history lets us understand how the participants reacted to actions leading up to, during and even after the studied event. By understanding the impact these actions had and how the reactions shaped ensuing events, gives us insight into the best methods to employ.

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An example of an achetype is The Hero, where the protagonist goes through some kind of journey and shows the qualities and abilites valued by his culture.

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Physical strength, bravery, and a sort of bigger is better mentality in children.

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Equality in the UK means that everyone is valued as individuals. It also means that everyone has equal rights.

An acrostic poem for the bill of rights?

Basic rights for all Individual freedoms protected Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness Laws ensure justice Our rights in writing Fair trials for all Rights that must be upheld Individual liberty valued Equality for every citizen

What ideals are valued most?

For me, it is happiness and wisdom. Having both of these qualities makes you young at heart but old in the mind and soul, creating a balanced human being with impeccable judgement.

What is the monetary value of an accent diamond?

Every diamond is valued according to its carat weight, its colour, its cut and its clarity. Those four qualities determine any diamond's monetary value.

Why is a diamond valued by its cut?

The cut of a diamond is what gives the mineral contained within the stone its access to reflective and refractive qualities of light. If a diamond is poorly cut, it will not have the 'fire', or dazzle of a well-cut stone.