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Q: What qualities enable people to perform well when facing heart pounding fear or stress?
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What qualities enable Rikki tikki to fight the cobras?

Rikki-Tikki's agility, speed, intelligence, and bravery enable him to effectively fight the cobras. His quick reflexes, sharp senses, and ability to strategize help him outmaneuver and defeat his enemies in battle. Additionally, his determination and courage play a key role in facing the cobras head-on.

How are people supposed to perform the pledge?

You are supposed to do it with your hand over your heart and facing the flag then say.

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Valor- the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle)

Is the virtue of courage enable one to face danger?

Sometimes the virtue of courage does not enable a person to see danger. A person will react differently in certain situations. Facing danger can turn some people into Olympic champions because of the adrenaline rush.

Can kakapo birds climb up trees?

Yes. Kakapo, like all parrots, have two sharp, front-facing claws on each foot and two backward-facing claws which enable them to grip tightly onto tree trunks and climb.

When will Lil' Wayne next perform in the UK?

Due to the fact that he is facing a one year prison term it may be quite a while.

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In my opinion the two largest questions facing Islam today are: 1: How can Islam respond to the non-Islamic West in ways which enable co-operation. 2: How will the majority of Muslims deal with the radicals in their midst.

Is the word valiance a noun?

Yes, the word 'valiance' is a common, abstract noun, a word for the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger.

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When facing against another team almost always at the begining. They only do Kapa O Pango on special occasions.

When do the all black perform the haka?

When facing against another team almost always at the begining. They only do Kapa O Pango on special occasions.

What if you are pregnant and facing a hysterectomy?

It is very unlikely that any surgeon will perform a hysterectomy if you are or could be pregnant unless you have an ectopic pregnancy in which case he/she may perform a salpingo oopherectomy (tubes and ovary) on one side but unlikely to take uterus as well.

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