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Q: What qualities make a good leader in king arthur?
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What made King Arthur a good leader?

Lots of historians believe that Arthur made a good king by doing the exact opposite of what his father did.

What were King Arthur's qualities?

His qualities are his chivalry, braveness and his leadership.

What qualities does King Arthur have as a hero?


Was King Arthur a good man?

was King Arthur a good man

What are some peoples opinion of King Arthur?

The peoples opinion of king Arthur where that they thought he was a true leader

How can you describe King Arthur as a king locate a part in the story that will support your answer?

King Arthur is often described as a noble and just king who values chivalry and honor. In the legend of King Arthur, a good example of his qualities as a king is when he establishes the Knights of the Round Table, promoting equality and unity among his knights by having no head of the table.

What did King Arthur believe in?

He believed that he was a leader not a fighter

What qualities of an ideal knight are evident in king arthurs knights?

Bravery and chivalry were important qualities to King Arthur. His knights had to demonstrate that they had those two qualities in order to be considered ideal.

What are good qualities to be king?


Name the famous city where king arthur lived?

King Arthur is said to have lived in Camelot, a legendary city in Arthurian folklore. Camelot is often portrayed as a mythical and majestic place where King Arthur held court with his Knights of the Round Table.

King Solomon good qualities as a leader?

The books of Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomon, reveal that he had a deep knowledge of human nature. (1Kings 4:29-34)

What qualities do a good king have?

Good characteristics. A happy man. Generous