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The expression is "as stubborn as a mule."

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Q: What quality is associated with a donkey?
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What does the donkey symbolize in midsummer nights dream?

In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," the donkey symbolizes foolishness, as it is associated with the character Bottom who undergoes a humorous transformation into a donkey. The donkey also symbolizes the theme of transformation and how appearances can be deceptive.

What symbol are associated with political parties and election day in the united states?

The donkey and the elephant.

What is cost of quality?

Cost of quality is a way for businesses to determine the costs associated with the quality and deficiencies of a product. Investing in higher quality standards can help a company reduce the costs associated with defects.

What is so good about hybrids when you are dealing with biology?

hybrid can yield a better quality which is better for humans . ex. mating of donkey and a horse gave 'mule' which had the quality of strength and capacity to carry a load of horse and donkey respectively.

What is an animal associated with quality?

the fur

Which is a quality associated with Romantic-era literature?

your gay

What quality is associated with Romantic-era literature?

Inspired by nature

What is a quality associated with Romantic- era literature?

Inspired by nature

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Adherence to established forms

The SCM is associated with?

Managing change and improved quality of software assets