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Puberty can be a confusing time, especially when the boy may be getting conflicting information from friends and classmates. Typically, the questions a boy has about puberty revolve around whether or not what they are experiencing is normal. Few things create greater anxiety in a boy than the concern they are lagging behind their peers in development. If a boy observes a friends developing more quickly, his questions may ask when his own puberty will begin, how long it will take, how soon he can expect to reach certain milestones, (i.e. pubic hair, larger penis, wet dreams, ejaculation, etc.). Recognize that a boy's questions may arise from underlying anxiety, he will appreciate you taking his questions seriously, and answering them honestly. Boys generally ask these questions expecting concrete answers. Unfortunately because individual results vary, it can be difficult to give them the solid answers they seek. Be patient with your boy and make it clear to him he can ask you anything, and make sure he understands you would rather be the source of his information than bus or classmates.

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Q: What questions may a boy have during puberty?
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What behaviorial changes may happen to a boy or girl during puberty?

There may be an increase in the aggressive behavior. But at the same time, they may become more emotional.

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Sometimes, during puberty, people become self conscious. This may cause alienation. To avoid this, you may try talking to the boy or girl.

Can puberty take place in12 year old boy?

The usual age at which puberty starts is 12 for boys. So yes, you may be having puberty.

What can a parent do to help a boy going through puberty?

There are things like keeping yourself clean and fresh that are important through Puberty as boys begin to perspire and sweat during this period of time. Sometimes their feet and armpits smell if they do not wash. Basically Puberty is just a time when a child is changing into an adult and becoming sexually active. You learn things as you go-on.

What websites answer teen puberty questions?

This website is a good website to answer your questions. You may go through all the questions and answers and all your doubts will be solved.

What behaveioral changes may happen to aboys ora girkls during puberty?

Behavioral changes that may happen to boys and girls during puberty, is that they may have bigger attitudes. They may struggle with self esteem, and may become rebellious.

Can a young boy make a baby?

Whether a young boy can make a bay depends on how young the boy is. If he has not gone through puberty and his "systems" are not fully matured then he cannot make a baby. If he is well along into puberty he may be able to do that..

What does the female produce after puberty?

Puberty is the phase when the body becomes sexually mature. So, after puberty, and during it, a girl may menstruate every onth.

What tissues are lost completely during puberty?

No tissues are lost due to puberty. But you may loose blood and other vaginal tissue during menstruation. (for a girl)

How does perfume relate to puberty?

During puberty, it is possible that the sweat of a person may stink. So perfumes are used in this case.

If you have puberty what will it do to you?

It depends if your a girl or a boy. Here's a site that may help you:

Does sperm come during puberty?

Actually, when boys go through Puberty they begin to produce sperm. It can happen at any point during this period of growing up.