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Be yourself. This is common advice because it is excellent advice. Also, all the advice on dating that is appropriate for straight people (other than that dealing with not getting pregnant), works for gay people too. You don't need specialized advice.

Having said that, here is some basic dating advice that applies to either sexuality:

1. Prepare an ice-breaker that mentions something that you like talking about. For example, you could say, "I taught my dog Triscuit a new trick today," or "I'm so excited that Mass Effect 3 is about to come out. Do you play Video Games?" You don't want to come off as if the date is an interview, so it shouldn't be all questions. Remember, they may be a scared about asking questions as you.

2. The best questions come from having found out what the other person is interested in. So if your date says that they are excited about football, you could ask him what team he follows and how long he's been a fan.

3. Finally, if he isn't giving you any "ins" and doesn't respond to your ice-breakers, then you can try prying him open with direct questions. These are light, simple questions that should be meant to start conversations. Ask if he has any pets, what is his favorite hobby, movie, tv show, etc. You want to avoid topics that are touchy until you get to know him better so avoid politics, religion, and ALWAYS avoid talking about finances. That's a topic someone should bring up with you as it is always rude to broach it.

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12y ago

ask him how far he has gone, ask how would he rate you on a scale of 1-10, ask if he has ever sent out nudes, ask if he has ever liked you, ask who his first kiss was, stuff like that...dont ask him anything if you arent willing for him to ask the same back tho

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