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Q: What r the diseases you may get by eating chalk pieces dialy?
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How is cirrhosis impacted daily living?

cirrhosis is an irreversible diseases that may have affect or impact a person's dialy living by lessen the chances of being with other because of feeling not well.

How much fat should an adult male consume dialy?


How many calories does a pound equal?

3,500 more than you consume on a dialy average.

What kind of book is used to keep a record of daily events?

A diary or a journal.

Does the transsexual Areeya smoke?

areeya shemale having good habits, dialy do the YOGA ayurvedic herbals.ever green areeya. for photo perpose acting smoke

Aspects of southern colonies?

Some dialy aspectrs were that they had to work hard to plant crops. Life was harsh because disease spread faster in the southern colonies

Where you will get sport and other alert for free?

Just type sms JOIN ESPN_NEWS to 09219592195 it is free.Only 1 RS/- for joining message! You will get all sports and other messages dialy!

What will happen if you musturb every day?

if are a girl you will become pregnat if you r u boy nothing much will but i dont suggest doing it do it twice dialy at least but not every day YUCK

What is a good way for a 16 year old female to lose weight?

Diet (cut a a few hundred calories or so out of your diet) and exercise. Eat healthy and take a dialy multi-vitamin, too.

What is the affect of cooperation in your dialy life?

Cooperation in daily life leads to smoother interactions with others, increased productivity, and a sense of teamwork and support. It helps build stronger relationships and fosters a sense of community and mutual respect.

Dialy normal foods eaten by Americans?

There are several foods that would be considered daily normal ones that Americans eat. They include bread, eggs, potatoes, meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, cheese, and milk.

Is it healthy to cut in an iron pot Someone told me you can actually get your dialy amount of iron by cooking with an iron pot.?

Generally, just using an iron pot to cook will provide you with an adequate amount of iron. Cutting in you iron pot is not advisable as it can be dangerous.