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The Ku Klux Klan.

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Q: What racist organization membership dramatically grew during the 1920s?
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Is the Ku Klux Klan democratic?

Their entire organization was/is based on white supremacy. They were about as racist as it got.

When does collection information through service membership become an invasion of privacy?

When the information starts to become undeniable racist in a court of law.

What racist group formed during the Reconstruction?

Ku Klux Klan...

What is the NAACP known for?

The NAACP is an acronym for the association that helps Afro Americans in their disputes concerning civil rights. They are a peaceful organization with a good reputation for being honest and not being a racist organization.

Who was that racist Atlanta Braves player during the 90's?

john rocker

What US Supreme Court justice joined the KKK?

Justice Hugo Black joined the Klan early in his political career as a Senator because he believed it would help him attain office. He was never particularly active in the racist organization and later resigned his membership. Surprisingly, Justice Black was one of the strongest civil rights supporters on the bench.

What was the KKK originally?

Originally, the KKK was formed as a resistance group to the Union occupation of the south and the often oppressive policies of reconstruction. The KKK did not originally form as a racist organization (though many were). They resisted the North by intimidating and occasionally lynching anyone who supported the Republican party who were decidedly anti-south. They were recognized as a racist organization because most of the republicans happened to be colored, and the description stuck with them.

Where did the term rascist originate from?

The term racist originated from Russia during the Russian Revolution.

Is the band System of a Down racist?

No, they aren't. In fact, SOAD lead vocalist Serj Tankian and fellow musician Tom Morello formed the non-profit organization "Axis of Justice" after witnessing some members of the audience at Ozzfest 2002 who were promoting racist symbols and imagery. Axis of Justice promotes a staunchly anti-racist and anti-fascist message, and became allied with the "Anti-Racist Action Network" (ARA) .

What was the result of blacks moving to urbans areas during and after the war?

i don't know, but don't be racist

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yes he is

How many flags where thrown during Pittsburgh Tampa bay football game?

300 because they are racist