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Q: What radio drama was realistic that some people thought aliens were in invading Earth?
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What radio drama was so realistic that some people thought aliens were invating earth?

The radio drama that caused panic in some listeners who believed aliens were invading Earth was "War of the Worlds," broadcast by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre on the Air in 1938. The adaptation of H.G. Wells' novel used a news bulletin format that was so convincing that it led some to believe an actual alien invasion was happening.

Why are there people not aliens in the world?

We are aliens. Why aren't aliens people? It all depends which side your on

What do aliens do to people?

aliens, Might exist but their are rumours that they probe people.

Are people aliens?

don't know of aliens are people but you can find out

Will people be aliens in 20 years?

No, people will Not be Aliens in 20 years or EVER

Why do people look for aliens?

people look for aliens because its an interesting topic :)

Why do aliens leave crop circles?

people do not aliens

Can aliens cill people?

aliens aren't real

Have people seen aliens or their spaceships?

No aliens. No spaceships.

What are the pyramids thought to be?

Some crazy people think anything. Landing pads for aliens? Generally they are big stone tributes to dead Egyptian kings.

Why are the aliens taking people in cowboys and aliens?

The aliens were conducting experiments that were never defined in the movie .

Has anyone seen a alien?

A number of people CLAIM to have seen aliens, or THOUGHT they had seen aliens. So far, though, there has been no proof one way or the other.