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Q: What radioactive isotopes have insufficient protons?
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Why does thorium undergo radioactive decay?

The ratio neutrons/protons in radioactive isotopes is the cause of their innstability.

What is the meaninq of two isotopes stable and unstable isotopes?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. Stable isotopes have a balanced number of protons and neutrons, meaning their nuclei do not decay over time. Unstable isotopes, also known as radioactive isotopes, have an imbalance of protons and neutrons, causing their nuclei to decay and emit radiation over time.

What is a plutonium?

A radioactive element with several isotopes that always has 94 protons within its nucleus.

Isotopes of elements?

Uranium has a number of isotopes including U235 and U238, both of which are radioactive

What are isotopes considered radioactive?

Not all isotopes are radioactive; the radioactive isotopes are unstable and emit radiations.

How are radioactive isotopes different from isotopes?

Both isotopes and radioactive isotopes are pretty much the same but radioactive isotopes are better because it can be used to make medicine.

Does sodium contain radioactive isotopes?

Sodium has no radioactive isotopes.

Does radioactive isotopes have a stable nuclei?

Radioactive isotopes are not stable.

What do all sodium isotopes have in common and how do they difference?

They have the same number of protons and electrons.

Does plutonium have isotopes that are all radioactive?

All the uranium isotopes are radioactive.

What happens to all radioactive isotopes?

All radioactive isotopes will disintegrate.

How do two isotopes differ from one another?

Isotopes of the same element differ in the number of neutrons. Isotopes of different elements differ in the number of protons and neutrons. For instance, carbon-12, a stable form of carbon, has 6 protons and 6 neutrons. Carbon-14, a radioactive form of carbon that occurs in nature, has 6 protons and 8 neutrons. Nitrogen-16, on the other hand, also radioactive and occurring in the primary coolant of nuclear power plants, has 7 protons and 9 neutrons.