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There are two species of marine life that have been spotted in the Gulf of Mexico. The longest fish in the world, the Oarfish, was spotted by a robot camera in the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico is also home to the rare Goblin Shark.

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Q: What rare species of fish lives in the gulf of Mexico?
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Is there fish in Gulf of Mexico?

There are.

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In the gulf of Mexico.

What turtle is almost extinct?

One species that I've learned about that is highly endangered is the Kemp Ridley's Sea Turtle. It lives in the Gulf Of Mexico(:

What is a reef fish from Gulf of Mexico?

Red Snapper

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on the Gulf of Mexico.

Are dolphins and porpoises both found in the Gulf of Mexico?

Porpoises have not been recorded in the Gulf of Mexico at this time. A few species of dolphin are found in the Gulf of Mexico. The species most often seen in the Gulf of Mexico is the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. The distribution of the the few species of porpoise in the world can be found on the IUCN Redlist website by searching the keyword "porpoise" and clicking on the distribution map links to the right of each species.

What are the nouns in the sentence Two men went on a fishing trip in the gulf of Mexico and caught 25 fish?

A noun is a naming word. The nouns in the sentence are therefore men, fish, gulf and Mexico.

Where does the red snaper live?

Red snapper is a fish, it lives in salt water, mostly in the Gulf of Mexico and southeast Atlantic coast off the US.

What effect has the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on the environment below surface?

The Gulf of Mexico is the #1 breeding area in the world for sharks. It might decrease population of sharks. Many fish will die. Some endangered species will become even rarer, and some species on the edge of endangerment will now be listed on the "Endangered Species List,". There is a picture of the oil spill on the Related Links section.

What is the king fish of the ocean?

Believe it or not, there is a fish called the lion fish. The lion fish is the king of the sea as the loin is the king of the jungle (which is a misconception because lions don't live in jungles).

What large body of water lies southeast of Texas?

The Gulf of Mexico touches Texas and Florida.

Which is larger the Gulf Of Mexico or the Gulf Of Maine?

Gulf of Mexico