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Q: What raw materials did Austria-Hungary have during World War 1?
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What materials Americans rationed during World War 2?

Food, Gasoline, rubber, metal

How many people were killled in US industrial accidents while building war materials for World War 2?

Aprox 65,000 + a great more were injured during production of war materials.

What were US major imports and exports during world war 1?

munnitions-exported to allies along with other war materials

Why did women have to go to work during World War 1?

Many of the able bodied men had to go fight in the war. Someone had to make the war materials.

What materials rationed during world war II?

Food, gasoline, rubber, sugar, leather, silk, copper

What was established in 1942 by FDR to regulate the production and allocation of materials and fuel in the US during World War 2?

The War Production Board (WPB)

How did people at home help during World War 2?

Recycling metals and rubber for war materials grow own vegetables in "Victory" gardens

What was the purpose of the war production boarded?

The purpose of the board was to regulate the production and allocation of materials and fuel during World War II in the United States. The WPB converted and expanded peacetime industries to meet war needs, allocated scarce materials vital to war production, established priorities in the distribution of materials and services, and prohibited nonessential production.

The purpose of the War Production Board was to?

The War Production Board was established by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1942. The purpose of the board was to regulate the production of materials during World War II. It was responsible for rationing materials such as fuel, rubber, and metals.