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Potassium Iodide is used as a test for oxidising agent. When mixed with the oxidising agent it will turn brown.Example: Fluorine
Iodide is yellow in colour.

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Q: What reacts with potassium iodide to give a brown color?
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When chlorine gas is bubbled into an aqueous solution of potassium iodide, some of the iodide ions are oxidized to iodine. The iodine molecules combine with iodide ions to form brown triiodide ion, I3-. In this demonstration, the aqueous solution is above a layer of carbon tetrachloride, in which iodine is quite soluble. The beautiful violet color of iodine can be seen as the iodine dissolves in the carbon tetrachloride layer. With excess chlorine, iodine reacts to form iodine monochloride, ICl, which is ruby red. The iodine monochloride reacts further to form iodine trichloride, ICl3, which is much lighter in color, causing the solution to be decolorized.

Potassium iodide color?

I think it's white.

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Lugol's solution is a brownish-yellow color prior to changing to a dark blue-black color.

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The color become intense blue.

Which metal reacts with water and burns with a lilac flame?

Potassium has a violet color in the flame test.

What color flame is produced when potassium metal reacts with water?

Potassium produces a lilac flame

Why isn't starch present when colour is light brown?

When the color of a substance turns light brown, it usually indicates that the starch has been broken down into simpler compounds like sugars. Starch is a complex carbohydrate made of many glucose units, and when it is heated or exposed to certain conditions, it breaks down into simpler sugar molecules through a process called hydrolysis, leading to the change in color.

What color flame test does the iodide solution give in flame test?

It is not the anions (e.g. iodide) that are responsible for the flame test color, rather the cations such as sodium ion, potassium ion and calcium ion give you different colors.

When potassium iodine is placed in lead nitrate what is the color of the residue?

Yellow; the insoluble precipitate Lead(II) iodide is created