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Q: What reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred is called?
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A response is learned most rapidly and is most resistant to extinction if it is acquired under conditions of reinforcement?

A response needs to be learned through partial continuance so that the condition is aquired.

What is a learned response?

A learned response is a way a persons reacts to a situation

What is extincting behavior?

You are looking for the term Extinction. the conditioning phenomenon in which a previously learned response to a cue is reduced when the cue is presented in the absence of the previously paired aversive or appetitive stimulus. Google coulda told you that.

How did the response time for the learned activity?

The learned activity's response time changed while the simple patellar reflex stayed the same.

Which term describes a response that developes through life experiences?

A learned response.

How is appetite different from hunger?

hunger is an inborn response while appetite is a learned response.

What are learned responces in animals?

A learned response in an animal is a reaction that an animal learns to some command that you say. For example a learned response from a cat to the command "bikkies" might be to come inside the house and go to the feed bowl.

A learned response elicited by a conditioned stimulus?

classical conditioning

Previously learned responses are put together in a?

response chain

How did the response time for the learned activity performed in the laboratory compare to that for the simple patellar reflex?

The learned activity's response time changed while the simple patellar reflex stayed the same.

Difference between extinguished behavior and intermittent reinforcement of a behavior?

Extinction (in classical conditioning) is the reduction of a learned response that occurs because the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus. Also, the procedure of repeatedly presenting a conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus. Intermittent reinforcement of behavior is a schedule of reinforcement in which only some of the occurrences of the instrumental response are reinforced. The instrumental response is reinforced occasionally, or intermittently.

What is the difference between a unconditioned response and a conditioned response?

Unconditioned response is unlearned and conditioned is learned. When you smell your favorite food (unconditioned stimulus) you become hungrey(unconidtioned response)