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Q: What reason did vasco nunze de balboa make his Exploration?
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When and how did vasco nunze de balboa died?

he was 44 years old when he died

What was vasco nunze de balboa goals?

to seach for pearls and gold. and he was really poor

What was Vasco nunez de balboa's Exploration Dates?


What was vasco nunez de balboa's dates of exploration?

in 1573 to 1589

Vasco nunez de balboa's date of his exploration?

in the 1500- 1513

What did vasco nunez de balboa find on his exploration?

he found the pacific ocean

Was anyone else involed in Vasco Nunez De Balboa's exploration?

Indians helped him.

What was Vasco Balboa looking for on his exploration?

He was looking for a land that has not been discovered yet he called it Vasco Nunez De Balboa land. It was very rich in gold located under Antarctica.

What were the consequences to Vasco Nunez Balboa's exploration?

Vasco Nunez Balboa's exploration led to the discovery of the Pacific Ocean in 1513, expanding European knowledge of the world and opening up new trade routes. However, Balboa's success ultimately led to conflicts with the Spanish authorities, resulting in his downfall and execution in 1519.

What is someones opinion on Vasco Balboa impact of exploration?

Some view Vasco Balboa positively for his role in discovering the Pacific Ocean and claiming it for Spain, expanding European exploration. Others criticize him for his mistreatment of Native Americans and his brutal leadership style in Panama. Overall, opinions on Balboa's impact vary depending on perspective.

What country sponsored vasco nunez balboa exploration and why?

the country is the pacific ocean why to see the isthmus of panama

Who finance the expedition for Vasco Balboa?

Spain was supporting Vasco Balboa