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Beowulf uses a sword to defeat the dragon because his own strength alone is not enough to pierce the dragon's scales. He realizes that he needs the sword to overcome the dragon's defenses and save his people.

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Q: What reason does Beowulf give for why he must use a sword to defeat the dragon?
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In what way does Beowulf's sword fail him?

Beowulf's sword fails him when he attempts to use it to defeat the dragon, but the blade shatters upon striking the dragon's scales, proving ineffective against the powerful monster.

What are the main four plot points in section XIX -XXI of Beowulf?

In sections XIX-XXI of Beowulf, the main plot points are: Beowulf prepares to fight the dragon to protect his people, he faces the dragon alone as his warriors retreat in fear, Beowulf's sword fails him in battle, and Wiglaf comes to his aid, helping Beowulf defeat the dragon but also getting wounded in the process.

What fails Beowulf in each battle?

In Beowulf's battle with Grendel, he fails to defeat him with weapons, resorting instead to using his bare hands. In his battle with Grendel's mother, he fails to kill her with his sword, Hrunting, and relies on a magical weapon instead. Finally, in his battle with the dragon, Beowulf is mortally wounded as his sword breaks, resulting in his death.

When does Beowulf realize that he is losing the battle with the dragon?

Beowulf realizes he is losing the battle when his sword, Naegling, shatters against the dragon's thick scales. He then sees that his previous strength and skill are not enough to defeat the dragon, leading to his eventual downfall.

Why is the sword given to Beowulf significant?

The sword given to Beowulf by Unferth, called Hrunting, is significant because it represents a symbol of trust and honor. It also highlights Beowulf's bravery and skill as a warrior, as he is able to defeat Grendel's mother despite the sword's initial failure to harm her.

What was the effect when Beowulf swung his sword at her head?

When Beowulf swung his sword at Grendel's mother's head, the sword failed to penetrate her skin due to the enchantment that protected her. This encounter led Beowulf to realize that he needed a different weapon to defeat her.

How do you get the fire sword in poptropica in time tangled?

you have to defeat the mechanical dragon.

How has unferth attitude change in Beowulf?

In Beowulf, Unferth's attitude towards Beowulf changes from being hostile and critical to being respectful and supportive. Initially, Unferth challenges Beowulf's abilities and achievements but eventually recognizes Beowulf's bravery and heroism in defeating Grendel and his mother. This change in attitude is evident when Unferth gifts Beowulf his sword before the battle with the dragon, showing his newfound respect for Beowulf.

Why is Beowulfs sword useless in the battle against grendels mother?

Beowulf's sword is useless against Grendel's mother because her skin is too tough for it to penetrate. The sword shatters upon impact, leaving Beowulf vulnerable in the battle. Ultimately, it is Beowulf's strength and willpower that allow him to defeat Grendel's mother.

Where does Beowulf find a second weapon?

Beowulf finds a second weapon, a giant sword, hanging on the wall of Grendel's mother's lair in the underwater cave. He uses this sword to defeat Grendel's mother in their fierce battle.

What does Beowulf discover about his sword in his battle with grendels mother?

Beowulf discovers that his sword is ineffective against Grendel's mother's tough skin. He discards the sword and instead uses a magical weapon found in her lair to defeat her.

How is the dragon in Beowulf killed?

The dragon in Beowulf is killed when Beowulf is mortally wounded in battle against it. With the help of Wiglaf, Beowulf manages to deliver a fatal blow to the dragon before succumbing to his own injuries.