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Q: What recycling companies in PA will give go money for turning in plastic bottle caps?
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If you cannot see a recycling symbol on your plastic milk bottle can it still go in your recycling box?

Yeh its plastic

Can bottle tops be recyled?

A bottle cap is technically recycleable, in that the plastic it is made from can be melted down and reused. However, it is not the same plastic that the rest of the bottle is made from. Unfortunately, recycling the caps from bottles takes a different process and many recycling companies do not (yet) have an economically viable method of harvesting the caps, reprocessing the materials and then selling it for reuse by manufacturing companies. So while the cap can be recycled, it often is not accepted for recycling.

How do you identify a PET plastic bottle?

Look on the bottom of the bottle. The number 1 in the recycling triangle tells you it is a PET bottle.

Where is the World's largest plastic recycling plant located?

"CarbonLite is World's Largest Plastic Bottle Recycling Plant. It is the world's largest "bottle-to-bottle" plastic recycling plant which is located in Riverside, Calif.It was founded by plastics entrepreneur, Leon Farahnik, CarbonLITE is based on the philosophy of Bottle-to-Bottle, Closed-Loop, recycling. CarbonLITE has become the largest producer of food-grade Post-consumer Recycled PET in the world. Each year over 6 billion bottles are recycled to be remade a new.The CarbonLITE system converts used plastic bottles made of PET back into the plastic resin, which is then used to create entirely new bottles.

How much money do you get for recycling plastic bottles in Virginia?

You do not get money for recycling plastic bottles in West Virginia. Many other states will give you money for bottle deposit though.

How much water is used in recycling a plastic bottle?

none because water goes into it

Why is there a number below every water bottle?

The number on the bottom of a water bottle, usually inside a triangle, is a code that identifies the specific kind of plastic the bottle is made of. The bottles can then be sorted to assure all of the same kind of plastic goes together for recycling. Avoiding the mixing of different plastics in the recycling process makes a better, more valuable recycling stream.

What is the Plastic Recycling Code number on a detergent bottle?

Detergent bottles are usually made from high density polypropylene (HDPE) with recycling number 2.

What is an empty pop bottle made of?

Empty pop bottles are made of glass. Some are made of plastic. Ther is usually a recycling code on the bottomof the bottle or near the bottom that indicates what kind of plastic was used to make the bottle.

What is the recycle guys?

The guys on a recycling bin there is a jug,newspaper,carton,plastic bottle, bottles and cans

What is polyethalyne?

It is a type of plastic. What is important is what type of plastic. See this website here on recycling plastic: Read the different codes there. Plastics with codes 2 and 4 are two different types of polyethylene. See if you can figure out which one is a plastic Pepsi Bottle?

How much do you get for recycling plastic bottles per pound?

The money received for recycling plastic bottles per pound varies, depending on the type of plastic and your location. In some US states like Michigan, return can be ten cents per bottle that is recycled.