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Q: What red things do teens get on their face if they don't wash or eat too much sugar?
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How do you reduce black spot on face?

Drink alot of water dont eat or drink as much sugar and wash face really good and if that dosent work go to a doctor!

When does severe acne burn out?

just dont eat too much sugar and use a face wash and it'll go away soon

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black and white differencs, the ways people do and dont do things, the way things run, slavery

What types of problems do Christian teens face?

Christian teens struggle with the same thing normal teens struglle with, but CHristian teens are put down for their beliefs sometimes and are bullied and harassed.

Why do children have bumps on their face when they go through puberty?

Of course not! Most guys do have it though, its very normal.

How you can face if some bad things happened in your life?

ofcourse, all of us experience something bad. but we can face it. and from that experience. dont lose the lesson. and that makes you stronger person. :)

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What animals dont have a face.

What are the three mental and emotional problems that teens face?

One thing, boys.

What if your face is cool?

no I dont think my face is cool is yours?

How can you clear your face of stains and acnes?

Teens suffer acne but only while they are teens. Stains can be more long lasting until you talk with your Doctor about what can be done about them

How do you use flack in a sentence?

The word is often preceeded by "face" as in "Paris authorities face flak over ban on 'raunchy' exhibition for teens.."

What to put on your face to make it clear?

there is many things you can put in your face like lotion ofcourse and try to use liquids like clean and clear and for me it really worked but if you have spots then i really dont know how that works!