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  • social studies book
  • a encyclopedia
  • those are my answers if u can correct me please do
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Sasha Scott

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3y ago
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Rani Josey

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1y ago

an encyclopedia

(I checked my answer on 2 sites)

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Q: What reference source would you use to find information about thomas edison's inventions?
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A source provides summarized condensed information for quick reference.?

A tertiary source provides summarized condensed information for quick reference

What source provides summarized condensed information for quick reference.?

Tertiary source provides summarized condensed information for a quick reference.

What reference source would i use to find Thomas Edison's inventions?

I would use internet or ipod/iphone

What does cross reference mean?

You check one source's information with another source's information to see if the information they give matches up. :) Hope it helped

Is a safe source of information? includes both published reference information and community-generated Q&A. It's secondary source information.

What does cross-reference mean?

You check one source's information with another source's information to see if the information they give matches up. :) Hope it helped

What is the definition of reference source?

A reference source is a publication or resource used to provide quick and authoritative information on a particular topic. It typically includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and other reference materials that are consulted for facts, definitions, or background information.

An acknowledgement of information that has been taken from another source is called a?


What is thomas edisons favorite movie?

According to an online source, Birth of a Nation.

What source provides summarized condensed information for a quick reference?

An infographic is a visual representation of information that presents data or knowledge quickly and clearly. It condenses complex information into an easily understandable format using images, charts, and minimal text for quick reference.

Which type of document is used as a reference to obtain medical or financial information?


A reference to a source of information used in a piece of writing is called a?
