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Q: What refers to the amount of a specimen we are able to see?
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What refers to the amount of a specimen you are able to see in a microscope?

Field of view

Refers to the amount of specimen you are able to see decreases as the power of the magnification increases?

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What is the amount of specimen you are able to see on a microscope called?

if you are reffering to field of view, its not exactly the amount of specimen, its mainly used to determine how large a specimen is

What referes to the amount of a specimen you are able to see?

Field of view ^-^ Field of view >.< xD

Refers to the amount of a speciman that you are able to see and decreases as the power of magnification increases?

refers to the amount of a specium we are able to see decreases as the power of magnification increases.

Amount of a specimen you are able to see decreases as the power of magnification increases?

Feild of veiw. Kittyanswers

Refers to the amount of a specimen you are able to see?

Field of view ^-^ Field of view >.< xD

Refers to the amount of scpeimen you are able to see decreases as the power of magnification increases?


Refers to the amount of specimen you are able to see as the power of magnification increases?

Are you kidding me! What kind of freak knows this kind of stuff!? I HATE MY STUPIS SCIENCE PAPER! It's a cross word puzzle! Cross word puzzles are supposed to be fun! Mine to it is super hard how would we know this stuff??

Why are specimen thin?

because the thinner it is the clearer it is too see inside

What is the specific purpose of TEM?

The specific purpose is to be able to see very small details of specimen's.

Can you name one benefit of viewing a specimen under high magnification rather than low magnification?

One benefit is that you may be able to see a larger area of the specimen.