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Q: What refracts light in to different colors?
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How does a prism works to separate the colors in white light?

White light has all visible frequencies incorporated in it. A prism refracts different frequencies at different angles so the different frequencies (colors) spread out.

Can you give me an example of how light refacts?

Light refracts when the light photons changes medium, such as from air into glass. A curved glass surface will result in different levels of refractions and hence the different colors.

Why does a prism refract white light to several different colors?

Light refracts at different amounts due to the refractive index of the glass surface which effects each frequency differently. White light is a combination of all visible colors combined together.

What is the process in which white light is separated into the colors of the rainbow?

In optics, a prism refracts incoming light.

How does light refract?

it refracts because it travels in different velocities and other colors of light travel in different speeds When light crosses a boundary between mediums, it changes speeds, and it bends or changes the angle that it is travailing at when it crosses the boundary.

How does an ordinary rainbow occur from a light ray hitting a drop of water?

The molecules in the water refracts visible light like a prism and seperates light into the different wavelengths and thus colors creating the rainbow.

Why does the light refract?

Light refracts becuase it moves at different speeds through different substances.

Why are colors present in rainbows?

Light is naturally made up of the different colors. It is just that when we see it, it appears white because all the colors are blended together. Rainbows occur when sunlight passes through the raindrops. The white light is refracted in millions and millions of raindrops. In these white light, there are the different colors that travel at different speed. The color red refracts less because it is slower while the violet color of the rainbow refracts more because it is faster. The colours of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

True or False When a prism refracts light it separates out the various colors based on their wavelength?


What happens to light when it passes through different substances?

it refracts

Why does a prism break down white light into all the rainbow colors?

Light refracts(bends) when it passes through to a different medium at an angle. White light is a mix of all the colours of the rainbow, and each colour has it's own refractive index, which means it bends to a greater or lesser degree compared to any other colour. Refracting white light refracts all the colours, but they all bend to different degrees, so they split up.

What happens to light when it hits a different medium?

The light reflects or refracts on hitting the medium.