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Q: What region could produce more food than was needed and could export their extra supplies?
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How did the triangular trade effect the colonies?

The triangular trade effect was a major boost to the incomes of colonial planters. Triangular trades are usually instituted between three regions when at least one of the regions has an export commodity that is not needed within its local region. Therefore, the planters were able to export their goods to a region where the products were needed and wanted.

How did the triangular trade effect the colonial planter?

The triangular trade effect was a major boost to the incomes of colonial planters. Triangular trades are usually instituted between three regions when at least one of the regions has an export commodity that is not needed within its local region. Therefore, the planters were able to export their goods to a region where the products were needed and wanted.

This action provided vital supplies to a region blockaded by the Soviet Union?

The united states mostly with hundreds of planes sending supplies and much needed items.

What are some of the most important export crops in the region?

Sugar cane plantations in the Caribbean provide the region's largest export crop. Other important export crops are bananas, citrus fruits, coffee, and spices.

What does export and inport mean?

Export - selling goods out of the country/region (for example a country produces metal structures and sells them to the neighboring country) Import - purchasing goods in (for example a country needs to purchase grain because their own produce does not cover the needs)

What region has an economy the is dependent on the export of oil?

The Persian Gulf or the eastern Mediterranean's economy is most dependent on the export of oil.

What does Persian gulf export?

The region imports food, machinery, cars, trucks, and weapons.

What was the role played by the Dutch in the sugar revolution?

the Dutch made one of the greatest contribution to the caribbean region by providing the much needed capital to the planters, this was in exchange for the rights to the export and sale of the sugar

What region has an economy that is most dependent on the export of oil?

The Persian Gulf or the eastern Mediterranean's economy is most dependent on the export of oil.

What is Export base theory?

Export base theory is an economic concept that highlights the importance of a region's export sector in driving economic growth and development. The theory suggests that focusing on exporting goods and services can lead to increased economic activity, job creation, and overall prosperity within a region. By expanding the export base, a region can attract investment, increase productivity, and improve its competitive position in the global market.

How do you export to latin America?

You can export to latina America using i used it and it really works... it is amazing, and now with all the crisis, latin America region is a good place to export.

What are some of the most important exports crops in the region?

Sugar cane plantations in the Caribbean provide the region's largest export crop. Other important export crops are bananas, citrus fruits, coffee, and spices.