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hadley hilbrant

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Q: What region of the brain is responsible for rational thoughts and language?
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What was The language of the universities and the government?

The language of the universities and the government will vary from region to region. This is called a national language.

Official language in region 3 in luzon Philippines?

The official language in Region 3 in Luzon, Philippines is Filipino (Tagalog). This region also uses English as a secondary language.

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5/6 is a rational number. A region is an area. The two are entirely different things.

What literature was written in the language of everyday speech in a particular region?

Vernacular is the language of everyday speech in a particular region

What is the local language of a region or country?

language entirely depends up on the region for eg in india their nation language is hindi,in us their national language is english like this way language changes depends up on the area

What is the language of a particular region?

The language of a particular region can vary depending on factors such as historical influences, cultural background, and geographical location. The dominant language spoken in a region is often influenced by factors such as colonization, migration patterns, and government policies. Linguistic diversity is common, with regions often having multiple languages spoken by different ethnic or cultural groups.

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Arabic became the most common language in the region due to the spread of Islam through conquests and trade, which facilitated the adoption of Arabic as the language of religious texts, governance, and scholarly pursuits. As the Islamic empire expanded, Arabic became the language of administration and communication, leading to its widespread use across the Islamic world.

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The two main language speaking regions of Belgium are the Dutch speaking region and the Walloon region. -There are other minority language regions in Belgium.

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Which region of the brain controls conscious thoughts?

The cerebellum