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I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but this exact same question is on my science review. It says the answer is... *drum roll please*... your metabolism!

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The hormone called as thyroid hormone. It is secreted by thyroid gland.

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thyroid gland .

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Q: What is the rate at which your body uses energy?
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Which gland determines the rate of which the human body uses energy?

Thyroid gland determines the rate at which human body utilizes energy.

The amount of energy the body uses at complete rest known as the what?

The amount of energy used by the body at rest is sometimes called the basal metabolic rate.

What uses the most energy in the body?

The brain uses the most energy in the body.

How does your body uses energy?

it converts carbohydrates into energy and uses them when you do physical activities

What is the body's resting rate of energy expenditure?

The body's resting rate of energy expenditure is known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR represents the energy required to maintain basic physiological functions while at rest, such as breathing, circulating blood, and regulating body temperature. It accounts for the largest portion of total daily energy expenditure.

Why does the body use fat for energy?

the body uses fat for energy because the body needs to stay worm.

Is a fuel your body uses for energy.?


Which of the following is the correct definition for basal metabolic rate or BMR?

Number of calories the body uses while at rest.

What does the body use carbohydrates for?

Energy.Carbs are converted to sugar in the body and utilized for energy.

Why do we need fats in our body?

Fat is stored energy. When the body needs extra energy - it uses up body fat.

When food is scarce the human body adapts by energy?

The body uses fat which is a stored form of energy.

How do you use energy to speak?

Energy in your body is used as a fuel to power your muscles. Your mouth uses muscles to move and thus it uses energy.